Shareholders’ decision to dissolve Viravaxx AG
On September 3, 2024, the shareholders of Viravaxx AG decided to sell all patents and dissolve the company.
Final report phase II
Final report of phase 2 study with VVX001 in chronic hepatitis B confirms positive preliminary data.
Phase II trial results with hepatitis B vaccine VVX001
Viravaxx, a global leader in antiviral vaccine development is happy to announce, that a Phase II study (clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT03625934) has been successfully completed with its first in class therapeutic hepatitis B vaccine VVX001. The study was designed to demonstrate an immune response specific for the PreS component of the large surface antigen of the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Another important aspect was the demonstration of virus neutralization capability of these antibodies and their potential to reduce viral DNA and viral antigen in serum. A major objective of the trial was to evaluate the potential of achieving a functional cure in patients with chronic hepatitis B, allowing discontinuation of life-long antiviral treatment.
In March 2022 Viravaxx AG filed an international application for a patent concerning a new SARS – CoV – 2 subunit vaccine.
Viravaxx presents poster at AASLD
Vienna, Nov 15, 2021. Petra Steindl-Munda and Peter Ferenci, scientific advisors for Viravaxx, will present interim-data of Viravaxx’ ongoing VVX001 clinical study in poster sessions entitled: “Vaccination with the preS-based grass pollen allergy vaccine VVX001 enhances HBV virus-specific immunity in vivo”. The posters will be presented at AASLD (American Association for the Study of Liver | read more »
Viravaxx submits Hepatitis B abstract to AASLD
Vienna, June 17, 2021. Viravaxx’ ongoing phase II clinical trial (NCT03625934) investigates if vaccination with VVX001 can induce a preS-specific antibody response in vaccine naïve adults and in patients chronically infected with HBV. In the trial, 4 cohorts are enrolled in a prospective double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study. Cohort 1: vaccine naïve subjects; cohort 2: subjects | read more »
SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Candidate to Induce Sterilizing Immunity
Vienna, April 22, 2021. Viravaxx’ SARS-CoV-2 blocking Antibody Test informs if a COVID-19 convalescent patient or vaccinated person has developed neutralizing antibodies which block the interaction of RBD with ACE2. Viravaxx used its proprietary SARS-CoV-2 blocking Antibody Test to analyze serum samples from patients who recovered from COVID-19. The findings helped to understand the requirements | read more »
Seven different “disease forms” identified in mild COVID-19
Vienna, Nov 2, 2020. In a study recently published in the top journal “Allergy”, a team of MedUni Vienna scientists led by immunologist Winfried F. Pickl and allergologist Rudolf Valenta (both from the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology) showed that there are seven “forms of disease” in COVID-19 with mild disease course and that the | read more »
COVID-19: not all patients develop protective antibodies
Vienna, Aug 5, 2020: A laboratory test that has now been developed by a study group from MedUni Vienna is able to determine whether COVID-19 patients develop protective antibodies after having the disease. The main finding of the test is as follows: the scientists from MedUni Vienna’s Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research discovered that | read more »
Viravaxx AG and the Medical University of Vienna develop an integrated platform for immune diagnosis and vaccination for COVID-19
Vienna, April 9, 2020: Viravaxx and the Medical University of Vienna develop an integrated platform for immune diagnosis and vaccination of Covid-19. Based on our novel Si/SiO2 microchip technology platform, a microarray is created, on which the structural proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in glycosylated and non-glycosylated form are represented as well as certain relevant fragments of | read more »
Landmark paper on Viravaxx’ rhinovirus diagnostic tool published in Nature Communications
Vienna, July 4, 2018: Viravaxx announced today that a Landmark paper describing the utility of its multiplexed diagnostic chip for analysis of the immune response to a rhinovirus infection in children has been published in the high impact Journal Nature Communications. The following is a comment in “Behind the Paper” published in Nature Research Community Microbiology, a forum for | read more »